

    May 10, 2022Labor & EmploymentEmployment & Human Resources

    An Employers Obligation To Reasonably Accommodate Sincerely Held Religious Beliefs

    On March 1, 2022, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) updated guidance regarding reasonable accommodations for sincerely held religious beliefs. This update answers important questions raised by employers following the publication of federal and state COVID-19 vaccination and testing emergency standards. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration emergency temporary standard, which Minnesota adopted but has...
    May 10, 2022Business & Corporate LawLabor & Employment+1

    Non-Compete Agreements: Growing Hostility and Suspicion

    The field of employee non-compete agreements (“NCA”) is changing, broadly reflecting a growing concern about the adverse effects of NCAs on employee labor prospects and market competition. Employers must stay abreast of the legal status of NCAs in Minnesota as well as the general trends on NCAs throughout the nation to plan their employment contracts...
  • Non Contact Disclaimer
    May 10, 2022Labor & EmploymentEmployment & Human Resources

    The No Contract Disclaimer In Employee Handbooks: A review Of Hall V. City Of Plainview

    Many employee handbooks have a general disclaimer that “nothing contained herein creates a contract” (hereinafter, the “No Contract Disclaimer”). In Hall v. City of Plainview, 954 N.W.2d 254 (Minn. 2021) the Minnesota Supreme Court evaluated this disclaimer and answered the following questions: Does a No Contract Disclaimer prevent an employee handbook from ever being an...
    May 10, 2022Agriculture Law & Agribusiness

    Case Law Update: Securing Grain Bins

    At its September 9, 2021 Agricultural Lending Conference, Gislason & Hunter LLP provided a case law and legislative update regarding new legal developments pertinent to the lending industry. One of the cases presented was Lighthouse Management, Inc. v. Oberg Family Farms et al., which was decided by the Minnesota Court of Appeals less than two...
  • Enforceability-of-a-lenders-security-interest
    May 10, 2022Agriculture Law & AgribusinessFinance & Banking

    Enforceability Of A Lender’s Security Interest In A Borrower’s Machinery And Equipment

    Over the last two years, the world has grappled with the COVID-19 pandemic. In an effort to address the economic crisis following the arrival of COVID-19, the United States took a number of significant actions, including, among other things, infusing cash into the national economy, generally, and the agricultural industry, in particular. The introduction of...
    May 10, 2022Finance & Banking

    Secured Creditors are Given A Road Map To Recover Seized Vehicles

    Minnesota has long authorized police departments and similar agencies to seize property associated with certain crimes and, under proceedings known as “civil forfeiture,” assume ownership of the property. In the past, criminal property seizures have caused problems for secured creditors who have a properly perfected security interest in vehicles or other equipment that is seized...
  • March 29, 2022Business & Corporate Law

    Mechanic’s Liens – Don’t Let Your Rights Expire!

    Now that Spring has sprung, contractors and subcontractors, suppliers, and other construction professionals will likely be seeing a seasonal upswing in demand for private real estate improvements and projects. Along with more work, however, comes the need to secure payment for your hard-spent labor, services, materials, or equipment provided in the course of your projects....