

  • February 16, 2022Finance & Banking

    My Collateral Was Seized. Now What?

    Financing loans are commonly secured by automobiles, boats, and recreational vehicles which serve as an effective source of security in the event of a default. So long as the vehicle is able to be located and in good condition, it can typically be easily repossessed and sold in order to pay off the loan, even...
  • February 16, 2022Agriculture Law & Agribusiness

    General Partnership: The Catch- All Relationship To Avoid

    Here’s a common story: Farmer A gets a good deal on a neighboring farm that includes 16 acres of marginal hay ground in a low, wet area. Farmer A has no use for hay and no haying equipment. It’s been a dry spring with forecasts of drought and high hay prices. Neighbor B is a...
  • February 16, 2022Agriculture Law & Agribusiness

    What Preserves the Integrity of the Derivatives Market?

    Agricultural producers are no strangers to risk. They grow, buy, and sell commodities in a global economy subject to the unpredictability of floods, droughts, and trades disputes, the whims of governments and politicians, and the devastations caused by pandemics and disease. Many if not most producers develop and employ hedging strategies in an attempt to...
  • February 13, 2022Agriculture Law & Agribusiness

    California’s Proposition 12: What Does It Mean and What Comes Next?

    In November 2018, California voters passed Proposition 12. This ballot initiative was pushed by animal rights extremists and seeks to regulate the production of pork, eggs, and veal throughout the United States (and beyond). This law has been subject to multiple court challenges over the last year. But these legal challenges have (so far) been...
  • February 13, 2022Agriculture Law & AgribusinessBusiness & Corporate Law

    Choosing a Business Structure For Your Family Farm

    Farming isn’t just a business, it’s a commitment to family values and a different way of life. You work hard to feed your family and others, raise your children, and earn a reasonable living at the same time. And if you’re reading this article, chances are that you’re a farmer and you know this better...
  • February 11, 2022Business & Corporate LawEmployment & Human Resources

    An Employer’s Obligation to Reasonably Accommodate Sincerely Held Religious Beliefs

    Publication of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s COVID-19 vaccination and testing emergency temporary standard had many employers asking: What must we do when an employee asserts a religious exemption? This article provides a brief outline of the private1 employer’s obligations whenever an employee requests a reasonable accommodation for a religious belief, practice, or observance....
  • February 7, 2022Agriculture Law & AgribusinessFamily Law+2

    Farm Divorce: The Complex and Confounding Concept of the “Double Dip”

    One of the most challenging concepts for many family law attorneys (and even some business valuation experts) is the “double dip.” The double dip issue arises in many divorces involving farms or small businesses and can have a substantial impact on the bottom line if not correctly accounted for and addressed. Double dipping in the...