

  • November 14, 2019Business & Corporate LawGeneral Counsel Services

    Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Laws A Top Priority

    The amount of personal and financial information stored and communicated electronically on a daily basis in United States is staggering. This trend will only increase as new technologies develop and integrate into mainstream society. As a result, legislatures are making data privacy and cybersecurity laws a higher priority. Although there is no unified federal law...
  • November 10, 2019Agriculture Law & AgribusinessBusiness & Corporate Law

    General Considerations Regarding Agricultural Contracts

    Agricultural contracts, such as those entered into between livestock integrators and growers, are often fairly complex and may contain language which neither party has carefully considered beyond the basic terms such as those dealing with compensation and the quantity of animals involved. Sometimes parties will use a contract form which they have obtained from another...
  • November 6, 2019Agriculture Law & Agribusiness

    The Legal Landscape of Spray Drift Problems

    While cash crop farming in Minnesota is still largely dominated by corn and soybeans, there has been a recent rise in alternative crops and alternative farming practices. Some farmers are exploring new crops such as industrial hemp, while others have adopted organic farming practices in order to enjoy the price premium the market provides for...
  • August 15, 2019Trusts & EstatesEstate Planning

    Intestate Succession⁠—Dying Without a Will

    Most people have never heard of Minnesota’s laws of intestate succession. Those who have heard of intestate succession probably don’t know exactly how it works. In essence, the laws of intestate function as a default, statutory will, determining how your property will be distributed if you die without having first created a valid will. The...
  • July 1, 2019Business & Corporate Law

    The Case for Forming a Partnership

    Entrepreneurs have many different options for setting up a business in today’s market place. And although corporations and limited liabilities companies are more popular, the partnership is still a useful form of business that allows people with complementary talents and a combined vision to pool their skills, money, and other resources, while also sharing in...
  • June 25, 2019Labor & Employment

    New Minnesota Wage Theft Law

    The following is an update from Gislason & Hunter LLP’s Employment, Labor and Benefits Practice Group regarding legislation passed by the State of Minnesota at the end of the 2019 Legislative Session. The Act: The laws discussed below were passed as Chapter 7 of the 2019 Session Law. Effective Date: The civil provisions go into...
  • May 14, 2019Business & Corporate Law

    Cybersecurity Basics from a Legal and Practical Perspective

    We live in the age of information. Exponential gains in our ability to gather, store, and communicate information electronically define this millennium thus far. But as is usually the case, regulation of the risks associated with rapidly advancing technology has lagged behind. Most businesses, and people in general, have recently come to recognize “cybersecurity” is...