

  • August 16, 2018Business & Corporate Law

    Document Retention Policy Basics

    What is a document retention policy? A document retention policy is a plan outlining (1) what sorts of documents the operation will keep, (2) how they will be stored, and (3) how and when they will be destroyed. Why is a document retention policy important? Documents can be key evidence in a lawsuit, and are...
  • August 16, 2018Labor & EmploymentEmployment & Human Resources

    When the Big Bad Wolf is at the Door

    It’s 10:30 on a Tuesday morning.  You’ve finished the morning Staff Meeting, answered twenty seven emails, checked Facebook and are now sitting down to write some employee reviews. Then you get it.  A letter from an attorney.  Not your attorney.  An attorney representing the employee you terminated last week.  The employee you fired after his...
  • August 1, 2018Agriculture Law & Agribusiness

    Litigation Update: Recent Smithfield Jury Verdicts Provide an Important Reminder for Minnesota Pork Producers

    On April 26, 2018, a jury in North Carolina awarded a judgment against Murphy-Brown LLC (an affiliate of Smithfield Foods) for more than $50 million in a nuisance lawsuit arising from the operation of a hog confinement facility. This judgment was later reduced by the judge to $3.25 million. But only a couple of months...
  • August 1, 2018Employment & Human Resources

    THE TN VISA – The Employment Letter

    The North American Free Trade Act (“NAFTA”) authorizes citizens of Mexico and Canada to enter the United States, temporarily, to engage in business activities at a professional level. To qualify and obtain a TN Visa, individuals must have at least a baccalaureate degree or the requisite credentials, which is deemed necessary to be successful to...
  • July 31, 2018Employment & Human Resources

    Are Targeted Social Media Job Postings Illegal?

    Enacted in 1967, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (“ADEA”) was, in part, an outgrowth of the civil rights movement.  Congress had been informed that age discrimination occurred not because of any dislike or animus towards older workers, as is the case with other forms of discrimination, but because of “inaccurate stereotypes about older workers’...
  • July 30, 2018Agriculture Law & Agribusiness

    Barn Lease Checklist

    Whether you are a producer looking to expand your operations without buying additional facilities, or a farmer approaching retirement and considering renting your hog barns out, the following are key terms that should be addressed in any barn lease: Correctly Identify Parties. Make sure the person signing the lease actually owns both the barn and...
  • July 30, 2018Medical Malpractice Defense

    Wisconsin Caps Noneconomic Damages at $750,000

    In a June 27, 2018 opinion, the Wisconsin Supreme Court overruled a Milwaukee County Circuit Court judge, a state appellate court, and a 2005 Wisconsin Supreme Court Decision when it held that caps on non-economic damages are constitutional in medical malpractice cases. This 5-2 decision is the latest result of a long-standing constitutional battle in...