

  • February 16, 2022Finance & Banking

    My Collateral Was Seized. Now What?

    Financing loans are commonly secured by automobiles, boats, and recreational vehicles which serve as an effective source of security in the event of a default. So long as the vehicle is able to be located and in good condition, it can typically be easily repossessed and sold in order to pay off the loan, even...
  • February 17, 2021Finance & Banking

    Case Law Update: Dishonest Debtors in Settlement Negotiations

    The Minnesota Court of Appeals recently decided a case involving a dispute between two financial institutions that may have important impacts on how to approach settlement negotiations with defaulting borrowers going forward. The lawsuit involved Student Loan Finance Corporation (“SLFC”) which was indebted to Great Plains Educational Foundation, Inc. (“Great Plains”) pursuant to a $13.25...
  • December 16, 2020Finance & Banking

    Desperate Measures Call for an Extraordinary Response: Emergency Collection Actions

    A seriously dishonest or desperate borrower, even if relatively rare, can be the cause of the biggest losses a lender may face. Many loans are extended on the assumption that the bank has sufficient collateral—whether real estate, equipment, receivables, or other property—to repay the loan in the event the borrower cannot make his regular payments....
  • November 6, 2019Agriculture Law & Agribusiness

    The Legal Landscape of Spray Drift Problems

    While cash crop farming in Minnesota is still largely dominated by corn and soybeans, there has been a recent rise in alternative crops and alternative farming practices. Some farmers are exploring new crops such as industrial hemp, while others have adopted organic farming practices in order to enjoy the price premium the market provides for...
  • November 1, 2018Business & Corporate Law

    Welcome to the Future: Electronic and Remote Notarization in the Digital Age

    Almost every area of finance and business has dramatically changed as a result of the digital revolution. Notarization has not been among them. If a document needed a notarized signature, it required an in-person meeting with a notary public present where the notary watches the person sign the document and then stamps the document with...
  • June 22, 2018Agriculture Law & Agribusiness

    Disaster Planning

    Co-authored by Dean Zimmerli Benjamin Franklin once stated that “if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” Planning is an integral part of every farming operation. Farmers must regularly engage in advance planning to determine the crops they will plant or livestock they will raise, ensure access to the necessary inputs, and determine...
  • March 25, 2016Finance & BankingReal Estate, Environmental Law & Land Use

    Crowdfunding and Commercial Real Estate Investments

    Commercial real estate investments have long been attractive to investors in Minnesota and around the country. Historically, only a very limited subset of the population was actually able to invest in commercial real estate because of the large buy-ins required to do so. In 2012, the JOBS Act was passed by Congress. Meant to stimulate the economy,...