

  • October 21, 2014Real Estate, Environmental Law & Land Use

    Commercial Real Estate Matters in Minnesota

    An individual or business involved in a commercial real estate transaction may have a specific goal in buying or selling the property. However, there may be many legal issues that are not familiar to those involved. Legal assistance during such a transaction may be important to ensure that your interests are represented and that you...
  • October 3, 2014Agriculture Law & AgribusinessFinance & Banking+1

    An Overview of Business Taxes in Minnesota

    Minnesota residents who own and operate a business enterprise should be cognizant of the federal and state tax laws that affect them. There are four general types of federal tax. Each one has its own characteristics and should be considered separately. Any business that is registered with the state of Minnesota, with the exception of...
  • October 1, 2014Family LawDivorce

    Divorce Business Valuation: What is Goodwill and Who Gets It?

    When a Minnesota business divorce includes an ongoing business as an asset, there are many interesting and complex issues which need to be addressed. Valuing a business is an art, not a science, and there is no precise, perfect method of measuring a business’s value. That said, there are various components to a business which...
  • September 24, 2014Labor & Employment

    EEOC’s First Direct Challenge to an Employer Wellness Program

    The EEOC recently filed a lawsuit against a Wisconsin employer, claiming it violated federal law by requiring an employee to submit to medical exams and inquires that were not job-related and consistent with business necessity as part of a “wellness program” instituted by the employer. The wellness program was not voluntary. The employer fired the...
  • September 17, 2014Agriculture Law & AgribusinessFinance & Banking+1

    Family of Businessman Close to Settlement With Accountant

    The family of a successful Minnesota businessman have agreed to settle a lawsuit against his former accountant. The businessman who owned Woodcraft Industries died in 2011 and was in poor health for many years prior to his death. The accountant was supposed to administer his estate, but the lawsuit that was filed in 2012 claims...
  • September 7, 2014Agriculture Law & AgribusinessFinance & Banking+1

    Withstanding IRS Audits in Minnesota

    Business owners in Minnesota may benefit from learning more about which strategies could be effective if the IRS ever conducts an audit. Many people are surprised to learn that an owner’s personal assets may also be reviewed if a business is ever audited. Owners might be at a disadvantage if personal expenses become heavily scrutinized...
  • August 27, 2014Family LawTrusts & Estates+1

    Keep in Mind Trust Assets When Getting Divorced in Minnesota

    In Minnesota, trusts are often overlooked assets in divorces.  A trust could either be set up by the parties themselves before or during the marriage or set up by someone else for the benefit of one or both of the parties. Just because an asset is placed in a trust does not necessarily mean that...